Monday, October 8, 2007

Bug Life Cycle

Life cycle of a BUG:

As defects move through the system they are given various states. At each state there are a number of possible transitions to other statesThe following figure is the life cycle of a bug

to ASSIGNED by acceptanceto RESOLVED by analysis and maybe fixingto NEW by reassignment

ASSIGNED The owner, i.e. the person referenced by Assigned-To has accepted this bug as something they need to work onto NEW by reassignmentto RESOLVED by analysis and maybe fixing

REOPENED Was once resolved but has been reopenedto NEW by reassignmentto ASSIGNED by acceptanceto RESOLVED by analysis and maybe fixing

RESOLVED Has been resolved (e.g. fixed, deemed unfixable, etc. See "resolution" column)to REOPENED by reopeningto VERIFIED by verificationton CLOSED by closing

VERIFIED The resolution has been approved by QAto CLOSED when the product shipsto REOPENED by reopening

CLOSED Over and done withto REOPENED by reopening

1 comment:

Techbee said...

Your description really good..
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